FAQs and expert advice about catering

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Cheshire and Merseyside Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

How Do We Please Everyone With Our Wedding Food?

How Do We Please Everyone With Our Wedding Food?

Q What is your advice on overcoming the most common planning concerns?
A John Trelfa says: Trying to consider anything and everything when it comes to choosing your wedding food may mean you're trying to play it safe. Sure, we can offer stuffed supreme of chicken all day, if you really want it, but is it really? We advise that menus should always be built around what you as a couple want. After all, it's your wedding.

Some also feel they have to devise a menu based on certain dietary requirements. We recommend though that you cater for dietary requirements separately with delicious options to make it feel inclusive. We love nothing more than coming out of our comfort zone and ensuring all guests feel looked after at our events.

John Trelfa, Olive Tree Catering

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