FAQs and expert advice about tents, tipis & marquees

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Recycle and reuse

Recycle and reuse

Q Tell us how to plan a wedding sustainably.
A Hannah Mayo Caligari says: Sustainability has quickly become a huge consideration when planning a wedding in 2023, as there are so many aspects of such a celebration that can be a burden on the environment. Here are a few tips to help.

When choosing your tent hire company, look at their products and sustainability initiatives. Event In A Tent's tipi and stretch tents are of the highest quality, and we have a skilled seamstress who completes repairs to them so that our tents can last as long as possible. When they reach the end of their event life, we donate them to charities or use them for patching healthy tents. Our matting is also sustainable as it's washed and reused, so no temporary flooring goes into landfill.

A big factor in the wedding world is confetti – it often contains plastics damaging to our planet. However, there are a lot of companies that offer a dried flower alternative. Not only is it environmentally friendly, it looks beautiful too.

Consider the number of deliveries coming to your venue to serve your big day. Event In A Tent can provide the tents, furniture, lighting and extras such as heating and dancefloors, so we save on vehicle journeys, cutting down on emissions. Also, on the theme of transport, put on a coach or bus for your guests. This gets your loved ones in the wedding mood while reducing your carbon footprint.

When it comes to your attire, think preloved fashion. We understand that wedding dress shopping is one of the highlights of the planning process, but buying preloved cuts down on single-use items heading for landfill. If you decide you can't compromise on your dream dress, even the smaller items such as gloves, dried flower crowns, handkerchiefs and bridesmaids' dresses all make a big difference to our planet.

Hannah Mayo Caligari, Event in a Tent

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